Local Resources- Bassett Unified Community
Food for all
Bassett Unified School District: Drive Through Meal Services- offering free meals to all children 18 and younger. No paperwork required. Children must be present. Meals will be consumed offsite. |
Pick-up available at: Sunkist, Van Wig, Don Julian, Torch, Edgewood, Nueva Vista and Bassett High
Click here for more information! |
For the closest food pantry/bank to you, visit: |
Every table is offering meals to EVERYONE. Food distribution for seniors who need food brought to their homes. Food available for students. Food distribution centers that can distribute food to a group of people. If you need 10-10,000 meals, reach out to Everytable at (323) 458 - 6487. For more info, |
Click here!
Adults (18-64) |
Housing: STUDENTS/ FOSTER YOUTH f you are or know of a foster youth that is staying at a college dorm room that is going to be closed due to the coronavirus, |
Please email [email protected] and they will provide or help you find housing during this transition. |
Housing: The Los Angeles Tenants Union is providing support around evictions. |
Find your local union at: https://latenantsunion.org/en/locals/ |
Food/housing: HOMELESS/LOW-INCOME INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILY St. Francis Center provides meal services, clothing closets, showers/bathroom services, and rental and utility assistance programs (over the phone) for homeless and low-income individuals in Los Angeles. |
For more information, click here! |
Elderly (65+) |
Food: Elderly Meal Program Map |
For more information, click:
Food: Gloria Molina YWCA food distribution |
7515 Pacific Blvd, Walnut Park, CA 90255 (213) 516-3575 |
Food: Community and Senior Centers Senior Lunch Programs |
For more information, click: https://wdacs.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/CentersUpdate_SeniorLunches_3.13.20.pdf
Grocery Shopping: ALL 41 Northgate Market shopping locations will be open exclusively for seniors from 7am to 8am |
For more information, click here! |
Grocery Shopping: ALL Vallarta supermarkets will be open for seniors, disabled people, and pregnant people from 7am to 8am |
For more information, click here! |
Grocery Shopping: ALL Super A Markets will open one hour early to allow Seniors 65 years and up to exclusively shop during the hours of 7:00am- 8:00am before the store opens to the general public. |
For more information, click here! |
Undocumented Community
Resource guide created by California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance |
Available at https://ciyja.org/covid19/
Unemployment Benefits
What employees are entitled to may be confusing. |
THIS CHART makes it easier to understand what resources may be available. |
Unemployment benefits are available to those whose hours have been reduced or who have lost their job due to coronavirus measures (and it also applies to those who choose to stay home due to underlying health issues making them more vulnerable). The Governor has waived the 1 week wait time and the person may not be required to be actively looking for work (as is usually required). |
Learn how to file an Unemployment Insurance Claim HERE. Unfortunately though, this benefit is not available to undocumented persons whose hours are reduced or lose their job for reasons related to COVID-19, etc.
Utilities |
Southern California Edison Responds to COVID-19 Emergency, Suspends Service Disconnections
Southern California Edison Offers Bill Help to Customers |
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power still offering payment plan and suspending utility shut off for March (for now)
A Message from LADWP Regarding Power and Water Service During Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic
Charter COMCAST - Free Internet Service for Households with Children -
To enroll: 844.488.8395
Verizon will help customers and small businesses disrupted by impact of coronavirus
https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-help-customers-and-small-businesses |
Spectrum offers two free months of internet and WiFi services for K-12 and college students affected by the current school closures, in households not already subscribed to Spectrum Internet
For more information, click here! |
Mental Health
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Access Center 24/7 Helpline (800) 854-7771 (562) 651-2549 TDD/TTY
Rose City Counseling Center (Pasadena)
595 E Colorado Blvd #418, Pasadena, CA 91101
Federally funded health centers provide care regardless of insurance coverage or income. Many of these centers include mental health services. Find a federally funded health center near you at
Domestic Violence
If you are concerned about being quarantined in an unsafe home situation or need help, all DV shelter resources are generally availabl
domesticshelters.org. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is also available 24/7 at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3223 (TTY)
Sojourn Domestic Violence Services: A shelter on the Westside of LA. While support groups are not available at this time, their hotline is always open 24/7 for safety planning and peer counseling. They are also still accepting clients into our shelters.
Their hotline number is 310-264-6644. (For more information, click here!)